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Comprehensive Review Articles on Cardiology

Supraventricular Tachycardia: A case of acute palpatations. Nihar Mehta, Vivek Mandurke.
Current Practice Journal; October 2014, Vol 1(4), 18-21

Ventricular Premature beats, Recurrentpalpatations in a woman. Nihar Mehta, VivekMandurke.
Current Practice Journal; August 2014, Vol 1(3), 23-24

Patients Speak

Very nice Doctor. Easy to communicate with, listens to the patients and explains very well (Good Experience).

Shakuntala H

He is very nice doctor and I honor him as a doctor afterwards firstly I treat him as my son. Very good Experience with the doctor.

Surendra Seth

Very Good, I get very relaxed after meeting him. Always available anytime, friendly and polite.

Kaushik Shah